The lodge has been formed with 15 brethren as founding members from within the United Grand Lodges of Germany (VGLvD) and Luxembourg. The lodge was consecrated in Herford by the Assistant Grand Master and Grand Lodge Officers on 15th July 2023. A day which saw nearly 70 brethren from within VGLvD, Bulgaria and Gibraltar attend the ceremony, many of which are themselves motorcycle enthusiasts, and members of the Widows Sons. The lodge being a travelling lodge will travel to meet four times a year at different locations throughout the length and breadth of the country. We will meet theoretically on the compass points, namely north, south, east & west in different lodges throughout Germany where we are invited to work. We are formed to be an independent freemasons lodge and carry our masonic items to a nominated lodge and can build a temple using the guest lodge’s permanent furniture at the location or in the event of a field camp (Feldlager), to work from a temple being temporary constructed from our motorcycles acting as the principle officers pedestals with the emphasis of spreading brotherly love, supporting lodges and meeting likeminded brethren with a general desire to share our love of motorcycling and freemasonry.